Become a CCAPP Approved Continuing Education Provider
The application and instructions for becoming a CCAPP-approved continuing education provider are now available to download. The instructions and application are for providers of continuing education ONLY; and are not to be used by colleges, universities, and institutes for the purpose of providing certified (basic education) to prospective counselors.

A CCAPP provider number distinguishes your workshops from non-approved providers. Agencies or entities who are not CCAPP-approved providers may only offer courses for professional development hours, regardless of the topic. Your provider number is assurance that CCAPP credentialed professionals will choose your courses!
Providers of home study, web study, and workshops focusing on continuing education for the alcohol and drug counselor who has applied for and obtained a CCAPP provider number can be found on CCAPP’s Continuing Education Provider Directory.
CCAPP offers one-time use and two-year options for provider status:
Category 1 – Full Provider – allows the unlimited provider use of the provider number for a two-year period. However, the number cannot be shared, nor can it be transferred to another agency. The fee for Full Provider is currently $650.
Category 2 – One Time Use Provider – allows a provider one event per calendar year. A one-time use is limited to one week (40 continuing education hours) during a calendar year. Failure to follow provider guidelines for this category can result in refusal to approve future provider applications. The fee for One Time Use Provider is fifty ($50) dollars.
To begin the process to become a CCAPP-approved continuing education provider, print out the application and instructions. Please read the entire booklet. It is important to remit specified course documentation with the application and fee. Failure to do so may delay approval as a provider. If you have a workshop or conference scheduled, please be aware that applications must be submitted 6-8 weeks prior to the event.
You may complete the application in PDF, then print it out and remit it with course documentation and fee.